Learn Quran online with Tajweed for kids & adults. Online Quran classes are with expert tutors anytime 24/7 with a free trial

The prophet Muhammad  (PBUH) said, The best among you and those who learn Quran and teach it. [Bukhari :5028] OUR HONOUR EQuran School is spreading the light of Quran all over the Globe and has established its name as best {Online Quran Institute Academy} A large number of students have benefited from our {Quran Academy}  with the help of hard-working Quran Teachers. We are prominently exist in USA, Canada, Australia, Uk, France, Germany, Norway, Ireland, Switzerland, Italy, Iceland, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Singapore, Hong Kong, Belgium, Spain, Oman, Bahrain, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and UAE.Our Students are satisfied with our Quran teachers and with their methods of {Quran Teaching}  Many students have completed Noorani Qaida course, Quran reading course, Quran memorization course, Islamic Studies course and learnt Salat, Kalimas, Hadeeth, sunnah, manners and masnoon Dua’s. We are proud to say that our satisfied students belongs to different continent with different races and cultural backgrounds

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